Tuesday, August 13, 2013

His Truth Is Marching On!

On Saturday August 10th, I woke up with a strong urge to find a post on this blog that I remembered because a lot of people have been viewing it lately. It made it stick in my mind. It has to do with Psalm 18. Because it had recently been in front of me, I knew I wanted to share the words of the Psalm with my Aunt who has recently become the brunt of the family issue of greed over my Grandmother's house. I felt as if she had been worrying about what is going on and that I needed to read the words from Psalm 18 to her to comfort and encourage her.

I got up out of bed and came to my computer to search for the blog to read the words to her. My computer was still logged into Facebook and I got side-tracked looking at that instead. A video of a little girl in a car seat who was said to be singing her heart out with an Elvis song had caught my eye that a general site had posted however I passed it up and did not click on it. About 20 min later, I noticed that friend of mine had posted that same video directly to my page. This friend rarely posts anything to my wall.  I knew this was God's way of saying I want you to look at this:


Make sure to watch it all the way through. There are some really cool parts.

As I began to watch the video, I got goosebumps everywhere and felt as if God were showing me how trusting we should be towards Him and how joyful to spend time with Him. The little girl must say, "hi Daddy ", 30 times in this video and every time she says it, her hands go in the air and her little face lights up. When the song starts playing, the little girl just sings her heart out and still in the middle of it finds the time to greet her Daddy over and over again. Then I listened to the words of the song, Glory Glory Hallelujah, His Truth is marching on!! It dawned on me that my Aunt who was on my heart that morning LOVES Elvis. It thought WOW what a message His Truth is marching on,  and that is what I wanted to share with her was His Words of Truth. I tried to call her but she had already gone to work. So, I called my friend that posted the video on my wall. As I was speaking to her, another friend had posted a comment on the video wow, that Emma is amazing the way she can sing so young! My Grandma's name is Emma. I thought Wow, I know this is all connected now and she needs to hear this. As I continued to discuss with my friend on the phone, it dawned on me the way that the post that I had thought about when I woke up started was as follows...

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer PSALM 18 ... most importantly He is my Daddy!

I  found out just now searching for this video on YouTube her name is actually Ella, but you would not know that if you only listened to him say her name. It surely sounds like Emma and I will still take that as a sign that His Truth will march on in this situation and all situations to come.

Know like Ella knows, who is driving the car. Rejoice and be glad in HIS NAME! He will drive you safely home.

As I posted this tonight, I realized that today is the 13th and that was my Grandma's number. I love you Grandma!

American Trilogy by Elvis Presley
Songwriters: NEWBURY, MICKEY

(words & music by newbury)
Oh I wish I was in the land of cotton
Old things they are not forgotten
Look away, look away, look away dixieland
Oh I wish I was in dixie, away, away
In dixieland I take my stand to live and die in dixie
Cause dixieland, that's where I was born
Early lord one frosty morning
Look away, look away, look away dixieland

Glory, glory hallelujah
Glory, glory hallelujah
Glory, glory hallelujah
His truth is marching on

So hush little baby
Don't you cry
You know your daddys bound to die
But all my trials, lord will soon be over

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Hello Everyone,

If you happen by this post today, please say a prayer for my family. There are those that continue down a very evil and greedy path. Lord help us and please help them.

Thanks everyone! May God bless you and yours.