Saturday, January 2, 2016


As I suspected ABC Family is changing their name to Freeform because they feel they need to change to appeal to the present mindset of connection that is surface level and un-challenging. Apparently, the word family is just too strong of a word for our young to handle.  God forbid we market the idea of too much family. Sometimes the idea of family is truly a drag. Let's face it, we didn't pick them and sometimes they rub us the wrong way. FAMILY however are a physical part of us as well as spiritual. We have a special connection with them whether we feel it or not. We have known them long enough to know the good, bad and ugly and overlook if we choose to, knowing their heart and loving them for the good..Some family ties are destructive and may need to be broken but more often then not, God gave us one another for a reason . We usually don't come to such conclusions till we are done running around in our younger years of life. We find out that our fleeting and selfish pleasures have left us empty and unconnected. That's when we usually come back to our roots and learn the meaning of true love for one another and the joy of the connections that God had made us long before we were born. There are some of you that may read this and say, for the love of it's just a station name change stop whining. Well I feel we all need to open our eyes to the changes that are taking place around us. They are warning signs of the deterioration of our society and culture. We need to consume less and give more love and spend more family quality time together. We must show, not tell our children the meaning of family. Thanksgiving shopping soon to become Christmas Day shopping. More fun to shop than to put up with the loose cannon of a cousin or Sister that causes arguments. God forbid we have to slow down and listen to Grandma tell that same story one more time. It's the people that are over 35 to 40 that have lived long enough to know, you would give anything to hear that story again. Please, if you have children, please take them around their family. Not just on Holidays but once a week or more. Please give them time to develop a bond that is lasting and when they have their first fight, show them to work it out in love. Show them that walking away is not an option. We cannot help if someone walks away from us. We just do what we are able to keep them close. Forgive and overlook. Humble ourselves and forget about offenses, knowing all of us are struggling with demons. If you want to see the direction of our present youth, watch the Old Navy commercials, they send a despicable message to our youth. We can change this with our Grandchildren. For those of us with Grandchildren, it's our job just as much as our children's. It takes a village to raise a child. Please stand strong with the notion of Family being a treasured and good thing.  God help us to know what is important. In the mighty name of Jesus, AMEN!