Saturday, August 30, 2014


This AM I saw a video with Wanda Stykes in it. It was like a commercial style and the setting was a restaurant. Three young boys were sitting at a table looking at something in the room and saying, "that is so gay".  Wanda gets up and reprimands them for saying it and then passively aggressively insults one of the young boys in front of his friends, in order to prove a point.  I am sure that if this were a true life situation the boy would have been hurt by her words. The question is, how did that teach the boy what she seemed to be intending to teach him? She merely lashed out at him (doing the same thing she was accusing him as doing) and gave her opinion of what he said and how he meant what he said without asking him. Of course everyone that wants to stand up for gay rights is totally looking past her offense of hurting another person with her words and cheering her on in these posts as if she is some kind of hero. It was obvious in the video that the boys did not mean what they were saying towards gay people and I guess that was what the video is supposed to be for, awareness of the words we speak which I do believe there is a time and place for. The very object that they say is, "so gay" is a bright cheery SHOWY statue of an Italian figurine holding a pizza up in the video. Some people associate bright and showy (the def of Gay) in their heads as dumb, like a young teenage boy and that has nothing to do with the gay community or feeling that a gay person is dumb. The gay community seemed to have chosen the word Gay to represent themselves but let's face it, it was not the original intent of the word  to classify the  sexual orientation of another person.  The only awareness that this created in me is that so many people judge on outward appearance and are almost waiting for someone to offend them so that they can prove some kind of point . The question is who are they trying to prove it to more, themselves or someone else? You will find what you look for, I assure you. We are called to give mercy and love  to others above all else. Whether we are offended or not, we should always leave room for the possibility that a situations are not always as they appear to be and especially when you do not truly know the heart or intent of another person. 

The original meaning of the word Gay was "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy".. If it meant that first, shouldn't that be the true meaning of the word rather than a secondary meaning that has been masked by the latest popular use of it? Like the word queer (strange,odd) or Fag (a cigarette). Though they have been used in a derogatory sense to describe someone that desires their own sex for a mate, should their ignorance change the meaning of a word? If I use the true definition of the word, I must say that a lot of my actions as a person would seem to a lot of people a lot of the time as gay. I realize that the way a person uses a word makes all the difference and I am most likely ignorant to some of the history that brought this video on but that's why I pose these questions. It's almost as if these words have been hijacked to mean something other than their original intent like so many have. We must look at everything from a whole picture perspective rather than the little boxes that the world has been trying to place us in. 

We choose whether to go through life as one offended constantly at everything that people do and say or to know and love ourselves enough as a person knowing that God made and loves us and their words, actions and opinions of us do not change the Truth about who we are. We all have the right to our freedom of speech. Though people abuse this freedom and say ignorant things, it is still their right to say how they feel. Like it or leave it, it is all part of what makes America the land of the free.

God's Not Dead

Friday, August 29, 2014

Stand Up For Your FREEDOM!

The Pilgrims came to this country 1620 because the Church of England was still rooted in Catholicism (religion), that was man made and getting too far away from the actual teachings in the Bible. Yes the church broke away in a sense from Catholicism in 1534 but they were still rooted in it's teachings. Let's not confused the Pilgrims with the Puritans that were also trying to force religion. The Pilgrims wanted to be able to worship God the way that they felt necessary without persecution. They were true Christians that followed God with their hearts and not a set of rules that were man made and in a lot of ways contradictory to what Jesus taught. He taught us to love and serve one another. To show mercy. Only God knows the intentions and heart of this teacher. I had heard from someone on Facebook  then it was during accelerated reading time which should be a FREE reading time but it sounds like the school is the one that gave her false ideas of what accelerated reading is and since they have changed it, if what Dan posted is accurate. Understand though that the people that came on that ship followed Christ and He is the one that gave them their sense of freedom that later led to ours. It's history. Study it and know it please. Yes, there were Native Americans here first but they are not the ones that created the true heart of America that made America free. As far as shooting the Native Americans and taking their land, it seems that was the Spanish and in a lot of cases the Native American people were signing their land over on behalf of their tribes and they did not have the right to do it. What's my point? Everyone please study and know the real history of our land and not the watered down versions they are teaching today. Find OLD history books before the government had their agenda and talked us into being what they call being politically correct which really means don't talk about your rights or voice your opinions because you will be a stronger WE THE PEOPLE that the government cannot rule rather than the original intent that WE THE PEOPLE control the goverment. STAND TOGETHER OR WE WILL FALL!

Monday, August 25, 2014


Have you ever had any strange occurences with this number? If so, please share in comments.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Depression - we are not alone

For the last couple of weeks, I have seen little fruit flies flying around my house.

At first it was just a couple and I don't like to kill things so, I figured I would do my best to shew them outside or deal with them until they died (they typically only live about 30 days or so).. The number started to increase little by little until I was so frustrated that I had to start trying to kill some of them. I started swatting at them, killing them here and there. I thought that the problem was starting to go away. Monday morning when I went into my kitchen, they were literally everywhere! I have had some pans on my counter that I was ready to put away but I have to climb to reach the place where they go. Having very little time to take care of these types of things lately, they had been sitting there for a couple of weeks.

I read online about the fruit flies and why they decide to take over any one area. It is typically due to the fact that a piece of fruit or something fermenting has been left out.  I started to scour the kitchen area for anything that it might be.  Then I saw it hidden behind the pans on the counter, the mason jar that had salsa in it that I wanted to clean and use the canning jar that it was in. The lid was slightly off of the jar. I had put it there to take out to the dumpster and dump into a plastic bag because I did not want to dump it into my drain. There were what seemed like thousands of these things swarming this jar.

I bagged the jar up into the trash and put all of my fruit in the fridge. I have not been keeping trash in my garbage at all but sealing it in a plastic old spinach bin that I am going to keep emptying into our dumpster. I would like to say that they are all gone now but it is taking some time for them to dwindle.

I started thinking this morning, it was easy enough to find the source of what was causing all of the fruit flies. A festering time bomb on my kitchen counter that while put there with good intention, was the self imposed cause of my fruit fly infestation. The bugs flying all around, pestering me  and stealing my peace.

What if I had tried to find the source and I could not find it? What if the kitchen was dark and I had no way of turning the light on to see where it was? It would remain there and continue to get worse until the whole house was full of it. After a while, I imagine it would wear me down and give me little hope that the problem would be solved.

I have suffered depression in the past and I know that it feels a lot like the scenario that I have spoken of above. You know something is there that is not right but you feel as if you cannot figure out where or what it is. Instead of getting better, it continues to get worse because the source has not been exposed. Without light, it would be difficult if not impossible to figure out the cause of most problems in our material world. The same is true with the Spiritual. We need light to expose the hidden source of our pain. Sometimes we may need someone else to be this source of light for us. Sometimes if we take enough quiet time with our Lord and stay in Word, we are able to figure things out and continue walking our paths. Whatever it is, it is imperative that we do something. Leaving things be as if they are not, will only cause further harm. Once we find the source, we need to be patient. It most likely took some time for the problem to manifest on the level that it has. It will get better, it just needs time. This too shall pass.

The death of Robin Williams has had a significant impact on our society as far as being aware that depression is real and can be as deadly as having cancer. He spent his life making us laugh, while crying on the inside.. How many others in our lives could be doing the same thing? We don't think about the people that are smiling all of the time because we are blinded by outer appearance and fooled into thinking that person has it all together and may even be tempted to think, why can't I be more like them?

I encourage you to slow down and take the time to look at the people around you. Is there someone who is rarely serious, always seems to be laughing and in good Spirits? It could be that they are so in tuned with God that they are able to be this way out of His Good Spirit but maybe take the time to try to know that for sure. Talk to them on a more serious level, ask they how they are doing and pay attention not only to their response but their actions. Watch them when they do not know you are watching. Pay attention to the things that they do, to what they say when they do not know you are listening. People show us who they are by their actions when unaware they are being watched.

If you are struggling with depression, please talk to someone. If you do not have  person that you feel you can talk to, go to a non-denominational church or if you have a church already, seek the pastor. That is what they are there for and they are called to keep your confidence. You are not different or strange or weird. Most people have suffered from depression at some point and would be able to maybe help you find your light to expose the root of your depression. Often times, God will place people around you that are walking the same path. They can help you. Please give them a chance to help you.

May God continually help our society learn that keeping things to yourself when you are hurting is not the route to go, AMEN.