Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

I feel the world has shifted from this old belief and most say now, that words hurt much worse than physical abuse. I used to agree. Now I believe that we were right the first time and have started believing a lie rather than the Truth. Words can only hurt us if we allow them to. The problem is that pride and self pity have grown strong in America. We used to have a strong family backing in our society because America was built with strong Christian roots in God. There is no denying this if you spend any amount of time studying the historical facts of how we became a country, and how we used to live as a society. Mind you, I do not mean the picture of a Christian that one may see today or have experienced from a so-called Christian with their own agenda. I am speaking of   heart Truly set on seeking and pleasing God, mixed with a HEALTHY/respectful fear of Him. The more we have taken God out of our core beliefs as a nation, the more our newer generations and some of the older that have fallen away from their belief in God, are losing their coping skills and feel they are unable to recover from an ill spoken word against them. People of today seem to take such offense anymore to someone even voicing a belief as I am doing now. Don't say that, it makes ME uncomfortable because it is not the way that I have been conditioned to believe (PRIDE)!  The best thing about a belief is that we do not have to hold onto something that we once believed was true, once new information has been introduced to us that we KNOW by our inner Spirit to be the REAL TRUTH.
Words can never hurt us without our approval. We place our approval on the words when we believe them in our hearts. Belief is a choice. Putting our Faith in The Truth of CHRIST,  sets us free from the bondage of any ill word that someone would choose to speak over us.